Career & Finance Fair - Friday July 17th - 1-6pm.  Click the "Events" Tab below for details.

Indian Mound Mall

Center Hours:
Mon-Sat: 10am-9pm
Sun: noon-6pm
Events  |   Sales  |   Prizes  |   Sponsors  |   Non-Profits  |   FAQ  |   Official Rules

Indian Mound Mall is pleased to present the following sponsors of Magical Night of Giving 2008! Thank you to all of our sponsors from Indian Mound Mall!
what's new
Hollywood Theater Showtimes!
Check your Gift Card Balance!
Community Room For Rent
Career & Finance Fair - July 17th - 1-6pm
Karaoke is Back! Now on Tuesdays!
gift cards
fashion forum
terms of use     •    privacy statementtest 771 South 30th Street     •    Heath, OH 43056     •    740-522-6620