REGISTER NOW FOR SANTA PJ PARTY - Saturday, December 5th, 7-9pm - Limit of 100 Children. $5 per child. Click the "EVENTS" link for more information.
Indian Mound Mall

Center Hours:
Mon-Sat: 10am-9pm
Sun: noon-6pm
gifts for him gifts for her
Looking for Holiday Entertainment
Are you involved in choir? Does your child perform with a local dance group and they're looking for places to perform? The Indian Mound Mall is looking for free holiday entertainers and entertainment groups who would like to display their talents this holiday season.  If you are interested in having your group perform, please contact Anna Lou in the Mall Management Office by calling 740-522-3942.

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Hollywood Theater Showtimes!
Check your Mall VISA Gift Card Balance!
Relax at the Matesich Family Talk Lounge
Looking for Holiday Entertainment
Community Room For Rent
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terms of use     •    privacy statementtest 771 South 30th Street     •    Heath, OH 43056     •    740-522-6620