General Information:
Mall Hours: Indian Mound Mall is open from 10:00am - 9:00pm, Monday through Saturday, and 12:00pm - 6:00pm on Sunday.

Phone: 740-522-6620
Customer Service:
A wide variety of services are available at Indian Mound Mall. Indian Mound Mall's Customer Service is located in the mall office located in the Food Court near the restrooms. The mall office is open from 8:30am-5:30pm, Monday-Friday. We are happy to answer any question about the mall, assist you in locating stores, and also offer many special services.

The following services are available:
  • Gift Certificates can be purchased in the Management Office, Monday - Friday from 10:00am- 5:00pm. Indian Mound Mall gift certificates are accepted at all stores including food establishments.
  • Stroller and wheelchair pick-up and return is available in the Food Court.
  • Coupon books are available for $5.00 in the Management Office. All proceeds go to area charities such as Salvation Army, Par Excellence School, and other United Way agencies.
  • Shopping Bags are free to hold all your packages and are located in the Food Court, near the stroller and wheelchair pick-up and return.

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  Indian Mound Mall | 771 South 30th St., Heath, Ohio  43056 | 740-522-6620