The current position of the economy has had a strong negative impact in Licking County, leading many companies to cut hours, cut pay, lay-off employees or close all together. Also, people are watching their 401k’s and other investments lose money by the day and their mortgage payments build up without any known options.
These factors have created a dire need for our community to become better informed on the available options in finding new jobs, how to successfully prepare for a job search and interview, how to gain additional skills, training or education required for current job openings and also on how to handle their finances at this time.
Seeing ourselves as a center point of the community and a popular gathering place, the Indian Mound Mall is proud to work with Opportunity Links and invite your business or organization to participate in our Career & Finance Fair.
The event will be held on Friday, July 17th from 1-6 p.m. Our traffic on the comparable Friday in 2008 (Friday, July 18, 2008) was 9,233 people and we anticipate a higher traffic count because of this event.
Each participating group or business will be provided with an 8 foot table, 2 chairs and table cloth. Limited electricity is available and will be provided on a first come, first serve basis to paid registrants.
A fee of $20 for businesses and $10 for non-profits will be charged for set-up, materials and cleaning, which is an extremely discounted rate from what’s normally charged for an outside business to set-up for one day at the mall.
The empty store next to Victoria’s Secret will be staged as a mini-job fair where those businesses who wish to do interviewing or provide job applications will be set-up. Additional tables will be set-up for people to fill out applications and pipe-and drape will be used to create interview rooms. * YOU MUST BE CURRENTLY HIRING TO PARTICIPATE.
We will advertise the event with press releases, in-mall advertising for a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the event, on our website, marquee and through e-mail blasts. The Indian Mound Mall has an average weekly visitor count of over 40,000 people, giving us the ability to reach over 100,000 visitors multiple times throughout the mall within those 3 weeks. Opportunity Links will also use all their available resources to advertise.
Ideal businesses and organizations who should attend this event include: - Employment agencies or recruiters - Businesses which currently have job openings of 10 positions or more - Businesses or groups that provide services to job seekers, such as coaching, resume help, etc. - Adult education centers, such as colleges that offer flexible schedules, centers which offer computer training, etc - Investment agencies - Insurance agencies - Financial institutions - Mortgage companies
*** We are also looking for speakers for the event. Presentations can be 30 or 60 minutes long and possible presentation ideas include: investment options, mortgage options or interviewing tips and coaching with mock interviews. One pre-determined area for presentations will be set-up with a PA system, wireless handheld microphone, 8’x8’ stage, electrical outlet, podium, tables and chairs. Any additional items not listed will be the responsibility of the speaker. If you are interested in being one of our speakers, please sign-up below and include the topic you would like to discuss and amount of time needed. We will then get back with the chosen speakers for final scheduling. Opportunity Links is already scheduled to present.