Magical Night of Giving is Sunday, November 23rd!   Purchase your tickets at the Mall Management Office!

Indian Mound Mall

Center Hours:
Mon-Sat: 10am-9pm
Sun: noon-9pm
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Never again will you miss an upcoming gift-giving occasion! Just enter your name and that all-important date you must remember, and let our automatic program handle the rest. You will get an email reminding you before the day you must remember - completely free. Been here before? Do you already have some other reminders? See the full list of your previously-created reminders from the personal List Reminders database.

You get:
  • an e-mail to remind you of every important event in your life -- from birthdays to anniversaries
  • a reminder when you want it -- from 1 to 15 days before the event
  • a gift suggestion so that you won’t arrive at your event empty handed.

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