Indian Mound Mall

Center Hours:
Mon-Sat: 10am-9pm
Sun: noon-6pm
Glimcher Specialty Leasing Program Application for Space
* Company Name:
* Doing Business As:
*Business Address:
*State:   *Zip:
* Owner's Name:
* Contact Name:
*Email Address:
*Daytime Phone:
*Evening Phone:
*Fax Number:
* I prefer to be contacted by: Email  Phone
*Product Description and Business Goals:
*Please briefly describe the type of business you wish to operate, as well as the products and/or services you plan to sell. Please be specific:
* Length of Agreement Desired:
* When do you want to open?
* Are you interested in: RMU (Retail Merchandising Unit)
In-line Space
* What are your projected sales for the period you plan to be in the mall?
* Can you provide business references? Yes
*What other information would you like us to know about you, your product or you business? You may also type your questions here.

New to Indian Mound Mall!
New Just for Preschoolers!
Join the Licking Memorial Mall Walkers Club!
Hollywood Theaters
terms of use     •    privacy statement 771 South 30th Street     •    Heath, OH 43056     •    740-522-6620