Indian Mound Mall

Center Hours:
Mon-Sat: 10am-9pm
Sun: noon-6pm
It's a whole new world created just for you. As an Honorary Member of Planet Kid Club for Kids, you'll receive a newsletter full of fun and games, be personally invited to lots of cool mall events, and be eligible for discounts and special offers at your favorite mall stores!

Sign up today, and get ready for a ton of fun that's out of this world!

A HOT club for COOL kids!

Planet Kid Club for Kids is open to all kids ages 12 and under. Please get your parent's permission before you sign up!

Please complete the following:
First Name:
Last Name:
Date Of Birth:
Day Month Year
Parent's Name:
Parents Email:
Official Rules:
I PLEDGE to be a generally GOOD KID. Good members of the Planet Kid Club for Kids:
  • DO THEIR PART to keep the planet clean.
  • NEVER eat anything bigger than their heads.
  • Read their Planet Kid newsletter cover-to-cover for cool ideas and really big fun.
  • Are ALWAYS kids (at heart).
  • MAKE THEIR BEDS at least once a year.
  • BRUSH THEIR TEETH, comb their hair and change their underwear.
  • SMILE most of the time, especially at Kids Club events when they get prizes.
  • Are kind to human and animal friends all over the Planet.
  • Tell all their friends about Planet Kid Club so they can have REALLY BIG FUN!
  • Let brothers and sisters come to Planet Kid events with them (maybe)!
As an official citizen of the Planet Kid Club for Kids, I am hereby entitled to have extreme fun and do lots of cool stuff at the mall. I pledge to be a good citizen and to follow the rules of the Planet. I agree:
Yes No
New to Indian Mound Mall!
New Just for Preschoolers!
Join the Licking Memorial Mall Walkers Club!
Hollywood Theaters
terms of use     •    privacy statement 771 South 30th Street     •    Heath, OH 43056     •    740-522-6620