Don't forget your school with our "Earning For Learning" program!  Save your receipts to win CA$H for your school!

Indian Mound Mall

Center Hours:
Mon-Sat: 10am-9pm
Sun: noon-6pm
fall fashions back to school
Sbarro Italian Eatery Logo
Whole pizzas, pizza by the slice, spaghetti, lasagna and salads are all specialties of Sbarro’s. Treat yourself to a great meal and try one of our daily specials.
Food Court
Center Hours:
M-Sat: 10am-9pm
Sun: noon-6pm
Visit Sbarro Italian Eatery Online
Finally - the perfect gift the pizza and Italian food lover in your life! With a menu of more than 200 items including pizza, pasta, authentic Italian entrees, Mediterranean salads and delicious desserts – it is difficult for people to get tired of our food!
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