Don't forget your school with our "Earning For Learning" program!  Save your receipts to win CA$H for your school!

Indian Mound Mall

Center Hours:
Mon-Sat: 10am-9pm
Sun: noon-6pm
fall fashions back to school
Journey's Logo
Journeys is a destination retailer for today's hottest footwear and accessories. Journeys caters to a diverse, young, hip market in search of footwear that expresses its attitudes and lifestyles. Brands sold at Journeys include: Etnies, DC, Reef, Roxy, Dr. Martens, Timberland, Adidas, Puma, Steve Madden, Lugz, Converse and dozens more. Accessories range from T-shirts, socks and purses to watches, backpacks and belts. Some of today's hottest music videos and a funky lighting concept create a “Welcome-Hip Shoppers” atmosphere.
Sarah-Jayne Smash
Icora Gileena
Zigi Soho Celine
more >
In Location 525
Payment types accepted:

Center Hours:
M-Sat: 10am-9pm
Sun: noon-6pm
Visit Journey's Online
Return Policy: Please be sure to check the fit and comfort of your purchase before wearing. We will gladly refund and/or exchange any unworn merchandise with receipt. 1. Receipt is required for refunds and exchanges. 2. No refunds or exchanges on "worn" merchandise. 3. We gaurantee all products against manufacturer defects for 30 days. 4. We reserve the right to repair or replace defective merchandise.
Gift Cards available. See store for details.
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