Electronics Boutique
Halo 2:
Halo 2:
In Halo 2, the saga continues as Master Chief -- a genetically enhanced super-soldier -- is the only thing standing between the relentless Covenant and the destruction of all humankind.

• Covenant forces attack Earth, another Halo ring comes into play, and the Master Chief takes the battle to the Covenant.
• New vehicles and weapons, destructible environments, low gravity, online play, Human vs. Covenant multiplayer battles, improved AI, and more.
• Better control: sprint at twice normal speed, peek around corners, chain melee attacks into devastating combos.
• Completely rewritten graphics engine allows previously unimaginable complexity and detail.
• Multiplayer modes include Oddball, Race, Slayer, Capture the Flag, and exclusive modes only available for play over Xbox Live.

ESRB Rating:
Mature (Content suitable for ages 17 or older.)

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