The Original Powder Puff - Sep. 27, 2004
(Sep 26, 2004)
The Homecoming festivities were kicked off on Friday at our school’s annual Powder Puff game, and it was so much fun! Every year, our school holds a football game for girls only, where the seniors/freshwomen play the juniors/sophomores. Of course, I was rooting for the seniors, but the game ended in a tie of 0-0.
It was actually pretty funny to watch them play because they only hold two practices. I think they actually lost more yardage than they gained, but I still think they were good considering they barely had practiced. I was also happy that for the first year in a while, there was a huge turnout at the game. I’m on the executive board of student council, and we run all the Homecoming festivities. The past few years, we’ve been having less and less students at events, and now it looks as if that all might be changing. I’m so excited about the upcoming Spirit week which culminates on Friday with a pep rally. The Homecoming pep rally is one of the biggest events at my school all year. All 2500 students attend to root on the football team, watch the Stomp team, listen to the band, and see the best event of all, the traditional senior football player and cheerleader dance. Also, it was decided that because of the tie in the Powder Puff game, there would be a tug of war held between the two teams to decide who should have won.
Of course, the week only leads up to Saturday which brings a Homecoming parade, football game, and the dance. It all seems to have come up so fast this year! I’m just lucky to be able to have a hand in running it all because of course I have to make this year the best ever!
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